Take an EX-TRAOR-DI-NAR-Y adventure with Booker T. Bear of Juneberry Square and his best friend, Dahlya Dragonfly—an oddly perfect pair!


Booker's magic Jet-Away jacket jets them to a real-life destination on the far side of the globe where they get caught in a fiery volcano eruption, discover a very unusual life-form, and experience the SCRUMP-TIOUS tastes and sites of an ancient culture.


Along the way, you'll taste the big, juicy, WEIRD words that Dahlya loves to EAT—and serve at her diner. You never know what will end up in her Weird Word Stew! As Dahlya says, “Words CRUNCH!”


Home from their magical adventure, the two best friends settle into Dahlya’s Diner where Grandmop and Grandpop Bear, owners of the Bee-Nutty Shop, eagerly listen to Booker and Dahlya's FAN-TAS-TI-CAL tale. There, Dahlya serves an appetizing buffet of FAB-U-LOUS facts about their discoveries, and shares an easy recipe you can make with your family and friends, at home and at school. “YUUUM!”


What prompts Booker and Dahlya to take their first daring adventure far from Juneberry Square? What MAG-NIF-I-CENT surprises will they find when they open their eyes? What unique foods will they eat? What loooooong, weird, and real words will Dahlya serve that you’ve likely never seen nor heard? Read and experience this FAS-CI-NAT-ING adventure with Booker and Dahlya!

The Adventures Begin is Book One in the whimsically educating read-to-me series, Let’s GO! by Jen Jellyfish, M.M. Illustrations by Kurt Keller and Traci Van Wagoner.

Book One and the stars . . .

Book One   -   Book Two   -   Book Three   -    Book Four   -   Travel Journal

Let's GO! Series                

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Booker T. Bear TM Copyright © 2017 The Library Store • Booker Books Copyright © 2016 Jen Jellyfish, M.M. Illustrations Copyright © 2016 Kurt Keller & Traci Van Wagoner of Imagine That! Design All Rights Reserved